Description: Sensory garden fountain
Description: East end of garden - future hope garden area (1998)
Description: Celebrating Carlos Valdez's birthday
Description: Mother Fountain
Description: Perennial mound (1998)
Description: State convention (2000)
Description: state master gardening convention
Description: state master gardener convention
Description: Janine Fales and Chad Lauritzen leading a meeting at Marjorie Selden's
Description: Future site of demo garden expansion
Description: Future site of demo garden expansion
Description: Denise George
East garden entrance 2002
Description: Herb garden
Vivian Valdez, Kay Morris
Description: Future site of oasis garden
Al Banar, Lonna Evans
Description: Old Perennial Mound (2002)
Description: Old Herb Garden (2002)
Description: Work Party Crew 2002
Description: Preparing the grass garden
Al Banar, Marjorie Selden, Lonna Evans, Bonnie
Description: Chad Lauritzen and boys -- earth moving for demo garden expansion
Description: Work Party 2002
Description: work Party -- demo garden paths 2003
Marjorie Selden, Jim George, Lonna Evans, Linda Maes, Cathy Strong, Lee Builta, Chad Lauritzen, Denise George, and county crew
Description: Sensory Garden Wall 2003
Carlos Valdez, Emmy Hopson, Denise George
Description: Pergola, sensory garden and cavity construction 2003
Description: Sensory Garden Wall
Lee Builta, Carlos Valdez, Denise George
Description: Pergola Construction 2003
Cathy Strong, Emmy Hopson, Linda Maes
Description: Pergola 2003
Description: Kay Morris fighting back the weeds
Description: Eagle Scouts project to make sign holders
Description: Waiting out the rain
Jim Mitchell, Marjorie Selden, Jim George, Janine Fales, Carlos Valdez
Description: Sensory Garden Fountain (2004)
Description: Kay Morris, Lee Builta
Description: fragrance bed 2004
Description: Color bed 2004
Description: Wildflower/nursery bed 2004
Description: texture bed 2004
Description: Casita Garden and Jim Mitchell 2004
Description: Oasis Garden beginnings 2004
Janine Fales, Vivian Valdez, Carlos Valdez and Emmy Hopson
Description: Dedication ceremony 2004
Description: Dedication ceremony for expanded demo garden
Description: Perennial Mound (2004)
Description: Martha Davis Orchard Dedication 2014
Description: Martha Davis Orchard Dedication 2014
Description: Martha Davis Orchard Dedication 2014