2020 Ornamental Grass Garden Redesign Project
Removing weeds and escaped grasses, uncovering buried stepping stones and accent rocks, and removing old irrigation hoses gave us a blank slate to begin the project. We retained a few identifiable and desirable grasses.
We kept the iris bordering the stream bed and enjoyed the treasure hunt for buried stepping stones.
Raking to remove as many weed roots as possible, especially the dreaded bursage.
Looking from the west, the destruction phase is nearly complete.
Another treasure hunt to uncover buried border rocks which were replaced over weed barrier. In the middle are the beginning steps to the path that will wander through the garden.
Spreading the first layer of pea gravel. The border rocks have been set to prevent the gravel from ending up in the street. Several rows of weed barrier are visible as are the steps and the beginning of the pathway.
Mid construction, view from street side.
The rest of the weed barrier is down and the crew is spreading gravel and laying irrigation hose.
Note the ornamental grasses that we saved from the original planting and also note the tripping hazard at the beginning of the path.
View from the street after a hard day’s work, gravel has been spread over the entire garden and irrigation lines feed water to all the preserved grasses.
The Seldens donated surplus rocks to be used to stabilize the slope to the dry stream bed. This is the before photo.
This is the after photo. Decorative rocks are in place to prevent gravel from invading the stream. Weeds are gone. River rocks define the edges of the stream.
Golden spike moment while pinning down the irrigation hoses.
A few more grasses have been added. They were relocated from elsewhere in the Demonstration Garden or were donated from member’s gardens. It’s hoped that they will take root. Irrigation hoses are out of sight, tripping hazard has been removed, and loaf rocks delineate the border.
The project has reached a resting point. There is another inch or so of gravel to spread and labels to make. We anticipate adding a few more grasses. But visitors are welcome to wander.

Demo Garden